Care-Full Coaching publishes a free monthly newsletter. It consists of a "front page" article entitled "Just a thought..." which is intended to be thought provoking on topics found at the intersection of biblical theology and culture. The "back page" contains three columns. One, called "Coach's Corner," addresses a coaching topic or skill of interest to both coaches and clients. The second, called "Care-Full Coaching" will report news about this coaching, consulting, training practice. Finally, the third column is called "Cook's Corner." It provides a way for our many friends to keep track of Ed and Carolyn Cook.
If you'd like to subscribe to the free monthly newsletter, please use the "Contact" or "E-mail" button to the left to send us a subscription request. Let me know if you'd like to receive it via email or in hard copy via US mail. If the latter, we'll need a mailing address for you.
I hope to stay in touch with you via the free monthly newsletter.